lørdag den 19. maj 2012

Forgiving a friend

It's hard to forgive a friend. You may think that it's impossible sometimes. It isn't. Forgiving is the part of having a friend. Everyone mess up sometimes. Some mess up more often. Well I'm good at it. And that is not something I'm proud of. I hate it. When someone mess things up you just want to run away and just ignore the person who messed up.I would probably say that solving the problem is the right thing to do. If it was a very close friend - No lets say it's your best friends. If it was your best friend who messed something up, you would get hurt... Like really hurt. How you react is the key to solve the problem. If your'e a very vulnerable person, you may think closing of is the right thing to do. But you know what? - You can't solve a problem if you won't talk about it! The more you wait, the harder it get's to forgive each other. Just tell yourself : Is it worth it, to ignore each other? What about all the things you've been through? - You might say "What about trust?". You can rebuild the trust, but if you keep ignoring the person you will get even more hurt.

fredag den 4. maj 2012


12. - That's the number of muscles you are using when your'e smiling. A smile is the most beautiful thing to put on. Even if you use on more muscles to smile than it takes to frown, it makes a huge difference. It's totally worth to use one more muscle to wear a smile. And it's not only beautiful, the world also looks brighter from behind a smile. Too often i see sad faces... I see people frowning. Usually my smile fades away when i'm surrounded by sad people. But it shouldn't. So I have told myself to smile to people when they don't. As they say, "they might smile back." Well I've also told myself that the only time that I'm aloud to frown, is when I'm absolutely sure, that there are no smiles available. - Smile! :-)